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Leadership Experience

Leadership Experience

Powered by Co-Active

  • Introduction to the 5 dimensions of the Co-Active Leadership Model.
  • Learn how you can authentically step into different dimensions of leadership.
  • The course focuses intently on you as a leader.

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3 days
Starting moment
Will start in March

You will learn this in Leadership Experience

Traditional leadership paradigms say that leaders are defined by their roles and responsibility. In the new Co-Active leadership paradigm, we believe that everyone is a leader, and there is more than one way to lead.

In this experiential workshop, participants will be guided through all 5 dimensions of the revolutionary Co-Active Leadership Model. You’ll learn about different leadership styles, how they can align communication with a common language, and when and how to apply each to be more agile, effective, and able to bring the best version of yourself to any situation.

The Co-Active Leadership Model contains 5 different leadership dimensions; Leader Within, Leader in Front, Leader Behind, Leader Beside and Leader in the Field.



  • Acquire abilities to respond to any leadership situation creatively.
  • Increase your leadership awareness and agility with our practical new model.
  • Effectively navigate the diverse demographics of challenging environments.
  • Make more impact with an evolved language and innovative skill set.

The core of good leadership is YOU

At Co-Active, we develop leaders.

  • Individuals developing a deeper sense of authority and purpose in their lives.
  • Leaders who run small, inspired start-ups.
  • Leaders who manage large fortune 100 companies.

There’s no limit to the ways in which authentic leadership can present itself. We are all leaders.


The Co-Active Leadership Experience is designed for everyone who wants to grow their leadership capacity, for leaders and managers in organizations, entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and consultants. People who practice Co-Active coaching or who have no experience with the Co-Active approach.


The course focuses intently on you as a leader and the internal elements you need to develop to be more impactful. It’s a deeply self-reflective experience that connects you to your core and explores how you can authentically step into different dimensions of leadership.

The Co-Active dimensions of leadership introduce five ways of being that give leaders the power to be dynamic in any situation and lead with greater relationship intelligence.


Be the change you want to see in the world. Take responsibility for your world by accepting yourself fully as naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Live your life with integrity, in accordance with your personal values.


This is not top-down leadership, which is about telling people what to do. It’s about pointing toward a clear, purpose-led vision, fostering a heart-led connection with your audience, and balancing enrollment with your vision to inspire them to follow along.


You are a leader even when you’re holding space for others. There are times when it’s best to empower other people and call forth their brilliance by listening deeply, asking powerful questions, and acknowledging them.


Co-leading with another person is a marvelous dance that is a consciously designed partnership around a shared vision and intention.


Ever walk into a meeting and just “know” there’s tension or excitement in the room? Every human has the ability to “sense” what’s happening in a space. When you slow down and expand your sensory awareness, you can access your imagination, intuition, and insight.


The total price contains the following components:

Training course

The price of the training course is € 1.295,00 (excl. 21% VAT).

Do you pay the invoice yourself? Then you automatically get a beneficial advantage. No 21% VAT will be charged. The price will then be € 1.295,00.

Payment method

You or your organization will receive a digital invoice from Competence Training Institute – a Schouten & Nelissen company, which can be paid via bank transfer. Or use the payment link in the email for an internet or credit card payment (Mastercard or Visa). Please ensure that payment is made within 30 days of the invoice date and at the latest before the first day of class.

Facility costs

The price for the use of the accommodation, coffee/tea and an extensive lunch buffet is € 285,00 (excl. VAT). You obviously do not pay any facility costs if you choose the online course in the 'virtual class'.


Training Days

The Co-Active Leadership Experience is a 3-day training program. Admission to this program is charged at a daily rate. You are not obliged to stay at the venue overnight, but you may stay in the hotel if you wish. If you would like to book one or more overnight stays at the venue and/or dinners, please contact the venue directly. Competence can not book overnight stays and/or dinners on your behalf.

The Co-Active Leadership Experience:

  • Day One from 09:00 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Day Two from 09:00 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Day Three from 09:00 AM to 4:30 PM


The maximum group size for the training course is 26 participants.

ICF accreditation

As CTI’s partner, Competence is the exclusive provider of its ICF-accredited portfolio in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Austria, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Co-Active Leadership Experience is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for Continuing Coach Education (CCE). ICF-certified coaches receive 18.75 CCE units for completing the training.

About ICF

The International Coaching Federation (ICF), established in 1995, is the worldwide leader dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and developing a global network of credentialed coaches.


At the end of the Co-Active Leadership Experience, you will receive a certificate which shows that you participated in a 18.75-hour ICF-accredited Training program.


Start now with Leadership Experience

Leadership Experience

Powered by Co-Active

  • Introduction to the 5 dimensions of the Co-Active Leadership Model.
  • Learn how you can authentically step into different dimensions of leadership.
  • The course focuses intently on you as a leader.

Questions or need advice?

Click on the links below to get in touch

Morven Brodie

Training advisor


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