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Reviews Team leadership

8,8 van de 10

8,8 uit 5 ervaringen

To ensure the reliability and transparency of all our reviews, we have chosen to have our reviews collected by an external party. We have chosen the Feedback Company. The 50 most recently collected reviews for which the participant has given permission are displayed on this review page.

Would you like to know what the review policy is and how a review page is created? Click here for more information 

  • Satisfactory, as expected. I enjoyed the practical examples and the style of the facilitator.

    Anonieme reactie
    8 van de 10
  • Very positive: structured and motivational

    Anonieme reactie
    9 van de 10
  • I had a great time! From the education PoV, it was insightful and fruitful. Also, I had so much fun with Birgitta and the other attendees of the workshop, so in general it`s been a great human experience, and I am very greatful for that.

    Francesca Boi
    9 van de 10